
  • Boyd has performed miracles on my garden. When he first came to view my garden it was a total mess – 30 years of neglect had let the trees and undergrowth take over the front garden, and the rear garden was very dark due to heavy conifer hedges, ivy choked hawthorns and brambles.

    A plan was agreed to remove excess trees, undergrowth and brambles and reshape lawns to create a starting point for the long term development of an easy to look after garden. Boyd removed heavy, dying conifer hedging, replaced rotten fences, and removed the ivy choked trees, leaving a back garden that is so much lighter and is now a pleasure to sit in.  Where the hedge was previously, the soil is being enriched to permit new planting in the spring to bring colour and scent to the garden.

    The front garden has also been transformed.  The ‘jungle’ at the top of the garden is now clear, open and ready for new turf in the spring. It also allows much more sunlight onto a reshaped lawn during the day. A previously planted native species hedge has received expert attention to encourage growth to thicken up the foliage and large trees down the side of the drive have been removed to permit the drive to be widened.

    Bark chipping from the unwanted trees and shrubs has been used as ground cover under the remaining trees as weed control, as well as looking good and creating texture within the garden. Long term plans for both gardens include the planting of climbers to cover new fencing, easy to look after plants which add colour and ongoing maintenance of the lawns and hedges.

    Boyd is a tidy worker, and always removes the garden rubbish generated through his work. He has provided me with detailed quotes for the plans discussed, and I am very pleased with his ongoing work on my garden.

    I would recommend Boyd without hesitation.

    Caroline H, Lichfield, Staffordshire